PRENOSIMO Kreiramo nove politike koje uključuju žene
Aktivistkinja Fondacije CURE i PR Inicijative “Građanke za ustavne promjene” Vildana Džekman učestovala je prošle sedmice u Budvi na konferenciji “Žene Balkana za novu politiku” koju je organizovao Beogradski fond za političku izuzetnost.
Konferencija je okupila aktivistkinje i političarke iz osam država Zapadnog Balkana koje su imale priliku da govore o ključnim problemima položaja žena u procesima donošenja odluka u svojim državama.
Ovo je bila izuzetna prilika da se spomenu i procesi ustavnih reformi koji se još uvijek ne provode u BiH, kao i da su žene isključene iz navedenih procesa. Vildana Džekman je predstavila i Inicijativu “Građanke za ustavne promjene” kao i najavila da će u narednom periodu Inicijativa snažno raditi na vidljivosti problema koji trenutni Ustav BiH s sobom nosi zbog isključenosti žena i ne sadržavanja afirmativnih mjera za poboljšanje položaja žena u bh.društvu.
U nastavku možete da pročitate Apel za nove politike na Balkanu koji su učesnice konferencije kreirale i koje će biti prezentirane na Belgrade Security Forum (BSF) u oktobru.
Undersigned women activists from eight Balkan societies, gathered in Budva under the auspices of OSCE Serbia, ODIHR organised by BFPE,
Worried by the worsening of the political developments globally in EU and in our region, which are threatening fragile peace and the steps forward we made in the Balkans after conflicts in the nineties,
Bearing in mind lessons learned from the progress and failures we had in our strife for gender equality,
Worried by the backlash against equality, inclusion and human rights in our societies,
We call to all active women in our region, to engage in a serious debate and joint national and regional action on the new priorities of our movement and on the ways how we can make better use of potential international support to these priorities, relying on EU strategy for gender equality and UN Agenda 2030 on SDGs.
Our initial perception of these priorities is:
Focus on renewal of trust in crucial democratic political institutions by strengthening of participatory and really representative democracy –parity in all decision making bodies is just one aspect of this issue
Energetic rejection of any political action threatening peace and diminishing achieved level of indivisible human rights
Energetic action for universal access to education, health, housing, social security in case of need and in old age and equal pay in gainful employment.
We will focus on protection of common good such as access to water, beaches, energy for all and to actions needed to prevent climate change and further degradation of environment.
We need to insist on inclusion of men in gender mainstreaming and opening of the public debate on new masculinities.
We need to renew and strengthen our ranks with young women activists by developing massive capacity building through public educational systems and our work in civil society, TU and political parties, including by developing new mentoring schemes.
We the participants of this conference will do our very best to start a debate on this proposals with active women from all walks of life and from different political backgrounds, in our nations and in the regional and international networks we are already a part of and we will inform about this initiative also our international partners in the EU in the UN, in OSCE and other international agencies dealing with gender equality.
The goal of this initiative is to start a political process which will lead us to a new regionally coordinated platform of Balkan women for gender sensitive, peaceful and sustainable development.
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